All Available Courses

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15

All prospect students must go through application process first before taking a course(s). If you’re ready to enroll, please fill-out the application form on the Admission tab, submit it, and we will get back to you as soon as we can. While waiting, kindly read the general overview of PWBC online classes and how it operates. Thank you and God Bless.


Old Testament Survey

A general overview of the message of each Old Testament book.


New Testament Survey

A general overview of the message of each New Testament book


Introduction to Missions

This course is an introduction to missions to its biblical basis, its current challenges, and needs on the mission field.


Baptist History

A survey of the history of the people called Baptists and their churches throughout the past two millennia.


English Grammar I

This course is designed to help students master the basics of written English grammar.


Old Testament Survey – Audit Class

A general overview of the message of each Old Testament book.


New Testament Survey – Audit Class

A general overview of the message of each New Testament book.


Introduction to Missions – Audit Class

This course is an introduction to missions to its biblical basis, its current challenges, and needs on the mission field.

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A breakdown of the costs of each class, as well as the fees that are involved.

For online students who desire to CREDIT the courses.

$ 150

per course


One time Application fee

For online students who desire to AUDIT the courses.

$ 75

per course


One time Application fee

What Our Students Have to Say

Coming into PWBC, I did not have a life verse but through the years it has become Romans 8:28. It has been a verse that God has allowed me to experience for myself firsthand.
Ivan Pagalunan
Grace Baptist Church, Surrey
From providing financially, to sending people who invested and loved on me, to opening doors for me to share the Gospel, and even all through the disappointments, heartaches, and personal failures— yes, God was there all along.
Joanna Alipalo
Greater Vancouver Baptist Church, Vancouver
Pacific West Baptist College has been a blessing for me over the years. It has been a place for me to grow in my walk with God. A place for me to learn about the ministry and serving at the church.
David Sadeghizadeh
Anchor Baptist Church, Burnaby
I enjoyed my time in class and chapel. Tuition is also at a low price and never had to worry about the finances. Because we are a small college, all students have lots of help from the teachers.
Thushan Sundararaja
Grace Baptist Church
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