Instructor: Pastor Sylvester Estrao – B.R.E., B.Th., MA in Religion/Ph.D. in Religion (degree in progress)

Pastor Sylvester Estrao earned his Bachelor of Religious Education and Bachelor of Theology at Doane Baptist Seminary, Philippines. Currently, he’s continuing his post-graduate studies at Bethany Divinity College and Seminary taking Master of Arts in Religion and Doctor of Philosophy in Religion.
Furthermore, he is our vice president of PWBC and one of the teachers in Bible and Christian Education classes.
Hermeneutics is the study of the general principles of biblical interpretation. This course is a survey of the nature, methods, and issues of biblical interpretation. We desire through this course to gain a greater understanding and mastery or the primary purpose of hermeneutics, and the exegetical methods employed in interpretation.
As a result of taking this class, each student should be able to:
1. Grasp the nature, methods, and basic issues involved in biblical interpretation.
2. Teach others to use these skills to interpret the Bible.
3. Grow students’ expertise in dealing with exegetical and hermeneutical challenges.
4. Make attitudinal and behavioural changes in student’s life as a result of the increased understanding of Hermeneutics.